Summer 2021

A Pretty Picture
Taken at Burton Island Nature Preserve – “The Delaware Bay has the largest concentration of spawning horseshoe crabs in the world, and every spring in May and June, tens of thousands of horseshoe crabs will lay their eggs on the shores of the Delaware Bay” – [] Captured with the Pentax 6×7 using the 35mm fisheye lens and Cinestill’s 120 Double X film. It was bright out so shutter speed of 1/1000 at f/11. Rated at iso 200 I think.
Here I am wielding the Pentax 6×7. You can see the shadow I cast actually makes an appears on the bottom edge of the film photo. The 35mm lens is reallllll wide. Thanks Hannah Cirino for being a wonderful hiking partner and capturing my nonsense.
A Pretty Picture
I worked in various locations in Long Island and New Jersey this summer. During a stay at a campground I did some exploring of Old Bethpage Village. This was captured with the Pentax 6×7 using the 35mm fisheye lens and built in yellow filter. Cinestill’s 120 Double-X was the film. Shutter speed of 1/60 at f/5.8/8 split. Rated at iso 250? Check out the highlights blooming along the top edge of the frame. Sweet.
A Pretty Picture
Turkey Point Lighthouse captured with the Pentax 6×7 using the 35mm fisheye lens and built in yellow filter with Cinestill’s 120 Double X film. Shutter speed of 1/500 at f/11. Rated at iso 200 I think.

“it took a special kind of person to be a light keeper. The Fresnel prisms had to be cleaned daily and polished weekly in order to project light 13 miles down the bay. The fuel carried up the tower to the light, the wick trimmed and maintained and the lamp lit and extinguished. When the fog bell mechanism malfunctioned, the keepers had to manually ring the warning bell until it was repaired. This was a 7 day a week, 365 day a year job in all kinds of weather… Turkey Point was an isolated light station. Some supplies came by boat from Havre de Grace. The nearest town, North East, was 12 miles away, a long distance in the pre-automotive era. This required Turkey Point to be a self sufficient homestead for the keepers. They farmed the adjacent land, hunted in the forest and harvested the bounty of the Chesapeake Bay…In 1943, the lighthouse was electrified and had a fixed light. In 1948, the light was changed to a flashing light . Today the light is powered by a solar charged battery. Until the retirement of the last keeper, Fannie Mae Salter, in 1948, the brass lamps were maintained in case the electricity failed. ”
Here’s a photo of me taking the photo above. You can see me struggle because I refuse to use the correct viewfinder. The gradual light fallout on the tower is assisted by using my very white body as a reflector to soften the shadows. This image is brought to you by Hannah Cirino.
A Pretty Picture
Portland Head Light – taken from a boat! 300mm lens! Pentax 6×7 with the wrong viewfinder. Trying to capture things in portrait mode, with the image taller than wide, is quite difficult with the waist level viewfinder because the image you see is mirrored. Some cropping in photoshop helped to square off the image. 120 Double-X film – processed at The Darkroom in California. Completed in 1791, you’re looking at the oldest lighthouse in Maine. George Washington directed this bad boy to be built in 1787.
A Pretty Picture
Bonus shot from the boat. Pentax 6×7 with Double-x film.

All photos below are from a roll of Kodak something, 200 speed. The 6th image is from Burton Island Nature Preserve, same as the dead horseshoe crab photo. 8th and final image is the first frame of the roll, and it’s the inside of my unkempt RV. All the rest is NYC.

That’s me capturing the 5th image in the above set. Hannah Cirino bore witness to my death-defying stunts.

It’s hard to hone in on a specific project or post with any regularity when I’m working on set. I have three more rolls of hand rolled 35mm film stock to send out any day now. Additionally, I hope to spend more time this winter creating more compelling images, so check back soon!

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