
Taken at sunset in Carlisle Pennsylvania.

Kodak Colorplus 200 is my favorite cheap 35mm film. As the name suggests, the colors are saturated and the images are generally quite warm. The only downside seems to be a limited dynamic range, highlights tend to blow out quickly. Scroll to the bottom to see a slide show of some moody mushrooms on medium format film.

Taken at Big Spring State Park in Tuscarora State Forest (Pennsylvania) during the Geminids meteor shower. Exposure time was just under an hour with an aperture of f/5.6 on a kalimar 28-70 lens.

The first five images below were taken at Mount Beacon Overlook in Beacon, New York. Early in the 20th century an incline railway was installed to get people to the top of this 1,500ft summit. At one point a hotel, casino, and cottages awaited them.

The final six images in the tiled gallery below are from Graffiti Pier in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Below are 3 out of 10 images from a roll of Kodak E100 slide film. This medium format film provides higher resolution than 35mm but I’m still working on properly exposing this slide film. In general I’ve been under exposing my images. Most images on this page have had minor level adjustments.

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